FRANCE – 1973 – 124 min – Drama — Thriller

Director : Henri VERNEUIL
Starring : Yul BRYNNER, Henry FONDA, Dirk BOGARDE


Yul BRYNNER, plays a senior Soviet spy who defects to the West and brings along a « gift » for his American host, a list of several high ranking Western officials who are Soviet double agents.

If Vlassov is telling the truth, every Western government has been infiltrated by Soviet intelligence and at the highest level. The case is a political time bomb and it’s up to intelligence officials, Davies (H. Fonda) and Boyle (D. Bogarde), to put a stop to it. And in the espionage business, there are no good guys or bad guys – only professionals. Get ready for an edge‑of‑your‑seat adventure that’s deadly real

Catégories : Actualité