FRANCE – 1971 – 110 min – Drama  Mystery

Director : Claude CHABROL
Starring : Anthony PERKINS, Michel PICCOLI, Marlène JOBERT


Orson Welles plays an eccentric tycoon who lives in an Alsatian chateau with his young wife (Jobert), whom he bas groomed since taking her in as poor orphan, and his adopted son (Perkins), a sculptor given tom hallucinatory fits that cause him to fear he has unknowingly committed murder. Of course Perkins and Jobert are having a passionate affair and being blackmailed, which sets in drizzling motion the complicated plot. Piccoli plays the Ellery Queen figure, the rational friend drawn into this bizarre web out of friendship and intellectual curiosity. By the film’s end, not one of the Ten Commandments remains unbroken.

Catégories : Actualité